We will not, under any circumstances, allow our films to be used on the following web sites:
1) Child Pornography Web Sites
2) Racist Web Sites
3) Republican Web sites

As you may know, all the films on this page are original and copyrighted. This means that if you use them on your page, we can actually sue you. Yeah, so maybe the odds of us finding out about it are slim, but why risk it when you can legally use our films for free?

Here's what to do...first of all, all films must be served off your site.  This means you have to download them from us and upload them back to your site.

Secondly, you must use the following HTML for each film:

<a href="http://sfp.home.ml.org" target="new"><img src="whateveryounamedtheimage.gif" border="0" height="250" width="250" alt="Film Taken From Shaven Ferret Productions"></a><br><center>The Preceding Movie Was Made by <a href="http://sfp.home.ml.org" target="_new">Shaven Ferret Productions</a>

After this, please click here , so that we can link back to you. If you are using our movies with the correct HTML, you do not need to paste the other link into your page.